BALKAN MOTO TOUR – preloženo na junij 2021
Zaradi Covid ukrepov turo prestavljamo na 14. do 20. junij 2021.
Za eno od naših prihajajočih motorističnih potovanj smo se odločili, da jo peljemo po balkanu. Čaka nas okrog 2300km takšnih in drugačnih cest, naravne in zgodovinske znamenitosti, dobra hrana in še in še. Vabljeni, da se nam pridružite 😉
Za več informacij in ceno je na voljo Andrej na telefonski številki 040155664 ali e-mail [email protected]
Because of the Covid restrictions we are moving the date of the tour to 14th-20th of June 2021.
For one of our upcoming guided motorcycle tours, we decided to take it to the balkans. There are about 2300km diverse roads with natural and cultural sights, good food and more and more, waiting for us to explore. We’re inviting you to join us 😉
For more information and prices, feel free to ask Andrej on his phone number +38640155664 or his e-mail [email protected]